26 March 2015

Lady Sariel: Model shoot in the bank building because it was damn cold outside

Lady Sariel: Z wąsami w kamienicy banku.: Siemano! Przepraszam, że była tu taka cisza w ostatnich miesiącach, ale moje życie wywróciło się do góry nogami w ostatnim czasie. Jak pewni...

Chrome has the lovely ability to translate entire pages with a single right click of the mouse. Lady Sariel in a recent shoot she blogged about. She's going to portray Nadia, a new character in my book series about a rock band - It Really IS Rocket Science.

16 March 2015

Random Bits and Notes

The Kindle version of the third volume, "Go Go Godzilla" has been long delayed by a couple of explosions and my easy distraction in writing volume 4. Deepest apologies to those patiently waiting for it - I've set aside all writing time to get it done.

In other news, people on Facebook are aware of a new character joining the roller coaster ride. Her name is Nadia, a Polish keyboardist and bass guitarist. She is hired in on short notice during the European tour - she hopes to make it permanent. Let the human comedy of errors, misunderstandings, and missteps begin. I've started a project with a model and clothing designer who goes by the name Lady Sariel professionally (https://www.facebook.com/LadySariel). Book cover ahead.


Speaking of book covers, I've been chatting with a publisher -- they like my books, they like my covers. But they want me to split my books into smaller nuggets. Volume 2 in particular is really two story arcs - so I don't mind splitting that up. The real reason for the 3 books initially is that I wanted 3 books on my shelf that told a particular arc of the overall story. I could just edit the 3 books down but fans of the series are aghast at that idea. So I am considering recutting the 3 books into 4. And future books will be shorter - more like typical novel lengths instead of the nearly Harry Potter dimensions I am prone to.

The "Tsika reshoot project" has been delayed for over six months now, mostly due to an unhappy collsion of real life interrupts and occasional funding shortages. Mamiko's arm is now healed, she has moved to Warsaw, started a new life, and actually shares a flat with Lady Sariel -- a pair of goblins loose in the big city.

When they moved in, they found a huge cache of ancient clothing and played "flashback dress up" one evening.

I have had some decent book sales and freed up some funds for proper long range planning of the series. Have a preview of "post lolita brutal" Tsika in various test shots. Back to work with me.